Teaching & Learning
Our service provider for Kaltura is currently experiencing an issue which is affecting customer's ability to have their Zoom recordings automatically uploaded to Kaltura.
For additional information, please see: https://status.kaltura.com/incidents/znrw4ch438rp
We will resolve this incident once we have received confirmation the issue has been resolved from our service provider.
Please contact the IT Support Center with any questions or concerns at 804-828-2227 or itsc@vcu.edu.
We’re back! Kaltura should be up and running. In our testing, previously impacted media entries have been restored. New entries should now be unaffected. Thanks for bearing with us!
Please contact the IT Support Center with any questions or concerns at 804-828-2227 or itsc@vcu.edu.
VCU customers may experience trouble when logging into Canvas. We are currently investigating the problem and a workaround has been implemented to prevent impacts to affected accounts.
Please contact the IT Support Center with any questions or concerns at 804-828-2227 or itsc@vcu.edu.
We're back! VCU customers should be able to now login successfully. Thank you for your patience.
In partnership with the Administrative Systems and IT Support Center teams, Learning Systems has confirmed that the issue has been resolved.
Please contact the IT Support Center with any questions or concerns at 804-828-2227 or itsc@vcu.edu.
VCU Technology Services will be performing routine maintenance beginning on 11/23/2024 starting at 12:00 AM EST.
You may not be able to access Banner Production Admin Pages, eServices, and Faculty Grade Entry for a short period of time, but we’ll have things back up and running as soon as possible to minimize disruptions.
Please contact the IT Support Center with any questions or concerns at 804-828-2227 or itsc@vcu.edu.
Scheduled maintenance for Banner Production is complete.
Please contact the IT Support Center with any questions or concerns at 804-828-2227 or itsc@vcu.edu.
There are power outages around Monroe Park campus that have created network (internet) outages for the following buildings:
Academic Learning Commons
Cabell Library
Gitner House
West Carry parking deck
Power continues to create network (internet) issues. James W Black Music Center and Moseley House have also been impacted.
Dominion Power has been dispatched and there is no current ETA on the power restoration.
Power has been restored and all buildings are back up and operational.
VCU Technology Services is currently investigating an issue affecting the availability of a number of virtual server instances that are currently offline due to a hardware issue. Our teams are actively engaged addressing the problem, and expect to have services restored soon.
Please contact the IT Support Center with any questions or concerns at 804-828-2227 or itsc@vcu.edu.
We’re back! Affected server instances have been restored to healthy hardware, and should be up and running at this time. Thanks for bearing with us!
Please contact the IT Support Center with any questions or concerns at 804-828-2227 or itsc@vcu.edu.
We are currently experiencing a campus-wide internet outage. Our team has identified a resolution and is working on implementing it onsite. We will provide further updates as they become available.
The campus-wide outage is continuing. We are still working on implementing a solution. Some web pages and applications may be intermittently accessible to those off-campus.
Services are coming back online and our technicians are working to confirm the restoration of all services.
VCU's network and services have been restored.
Top Hat is currently experiencing a site-wide issue with single sign-on. Currently, VCU users are unable to sign-in using their VCU accounts through our CAS single sign-on portal. This issue was first reported to us around 9:45am this morning (10/18/2024). This issue impacts most schools using single sign-on, not just VCU. We've already notified Top Hat support of the issue and their engineering team is actively working to restore service as quickly as possible. As we receive updates from Top Hat support we will provide them via our Classroom Technology blog at https://blogs.vcu.edu/classroomtechnology.
If you have questions or concerns about Top Hat, please reach out to the IT Support Center at (804) 828-2227 or by emailing tophat@vcu.edu.
Top Hat's engineering and support teams have identified the issue with Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication and have reached out to VCU Technology Services to update an expired certificate. Once this certificate issue has resolved and we are able to confirm a complete restoration of SSO authentication via VCU's CAS portal another update will be shared.
The VCU Shibboleth team has implemented the new certificate for Top Hat Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication and this has been tested with the VCU CAS portal. Authentication services have been restored.
We are investigating an issue with SAS servers which are impacting the VCU Reporting Center and SAS Enterprise Guide. We’re working to fix the problem as quickly as we can.
Please contact the IT Support Center with any questions or concerns at 804-828-2227 or itsc@vcu.edu.
We're back! Access to the VCU Reporting Center has now been restored.
Thank you for your patience.
We are continuing to experience widespread internet connectivity issues impacting systems on both campuses. We are currently in escalated communication with our external vendor to determine the root cause and implement a fix.
Services are starting to come back online and work continues to restore all services.
Apple's newest OS update Sequoia, has removed the crucial cookie setting from both the system and browser settings the browser in question only being Safari.
The effects this is having means that Safari users will see a "3rd party cookies are blocking content" error anytime they launch Kaltura media through Canvas. This is not affecting other browsers at this time. Kaltura is aware of the issue and is working on implementing a fix but do not have an ETA on resolution.
Safari: The crucial cookies setting has been removed system-wide on iOS and iPadOS, as well as in the browser on macOS. This is impacting functionality across all Apple devices.
Chrome: The cookie setting is still available on macOS but has been removed for iPad and iPhone. As a result, Chrome only works as expected on Mac.
Current workaround: Have users view the videos on Chrome or Firefox for Mac.
(Note: This is not affecting windows users.)
This is now a known issue, a Right Answers article exists within the ticketing system about navigating the issue. It appears the issue is actually resolved for some users but not all, we will continue to press the work-around of using Chrome or Firefox for viewing content at this time.