E-911 Services
On Friday July 19th, Network Services will be working with our ISP Segra to migrate our remote site connections from POCA to TOC. During this maintenance, remote locations will not have internet connectivity (network and wireless). Here are the location impacted by this maintenance:
I-Lot Deck
5285 Shawnee Rd
3701 John Tyler Hwy
2235 Staples Mill Rd
1330 N. 26th St
3300 Gallows Rd
1314 W. Main St
100 W. Franklin St
1040 Oliver Hill Way (Steam Plant / PPD Admin Bldg / Facilities Warehouse)
All of the remote site connections have been successfully migrated from POCA to TOC.
On July 18th 2024, from 8 PM to 12 AM, Network services will be migrating Layer 3 routes from the Poca Data Center and over to the TOC Data Center.
This is a required change to meed the deadline of vacating the old Poca Data Center.
During this change systems housed and hosted at the Poca Data Centers will see a momentary outage/blip.
Our execution plan consists of executing smaller changes first and then testing to validate if those changes took place as expected. Once that positive validation is met, we will proceed with further changes. If we run into issues, this change window time will be used to troubleshoot and revert changes before the change window closes.
We’re back! The VCU network should be up and running. Thanks for bearing with us!
Please contact the IT Support Center with any questions or concerns at 804-828-2227 or itsc@vcu.edu.
The ISP for the Universities backup internet connected has experienced a service outage due to a commercial power outage. Current estimates of power restoration are for July 21st. The Universities primary internet connection is up and operational. There has been no disruption to the Universities internet services.
ImageNow is currently unavailable. Staff is researching the cause and troubleshooting and trying to resolve.
Please contact the IT Support Center with any questions or concerns at 804-828-2227 or itsc@vcu.edu.
ImageNow is up and operational. Issues has been resolved.
The Steam Plant, Physical Plant Admin Bldg, and Physical Plant Warehouse are experiencing network (internet) issues related to our ISP. Our ISP is aware of the issue and is working on a resolution. Connectivity is expected to be up and down until this issue is resolved. A follow up post will be made once we have more information.
Connectivity appears to have stabilized however we are still waiting for the all clear from our ISP.
Connectivity issues have been resolved.
On Saturday May 4th starting at 10pm 2 x 288 fiber strands will be cut, cleaned, and spliced into TOC. Buildings connected via this fiber will experience a loss of network/internet connectivity until the fiber is spliced. Connectivity is expected to be restored by 6am. The impact of this maintenance include the following:
224 E. Broad St (redundant link established - no outage expected)
809 W. Broad St
817 W. Broad St Student Media Building
West Grace Student Housing North (redundant link established - no outage expected)
College Station HR Training Room
Grace St Theater
938 W Grace St Math Exchange
938B W Grace St VCU Police Substation
Network Services Warehouse
West Broad Parking Deck
Ram's Coop
Twisted Taco
Fiber maintenance continues and all building links have been restored. A follow up post will be made when the maintenance has been completed.
TOC fiber splicing #4 has been successfully completed.
On Saturday April 27th starting at 10pm, 288 fiber strands will be cut, cleaned, and spliced into TOC. Buildings connecting via this fiber will experience a loss of network/internet connectivity until the fiber is spliced. Connectivity is expected to be restored by 6am. Buildings impacted by this maintenance include the following:
President House
Stagg House
McAdams House
Millhiser House
Stokes House
Valentine House
Buford House
Robertson Alumni
Meredith House
TOC splicing #3 has been moved to Thursday April 25th starting at 10pm.
TOC fiber splicing was successfully completed.
On Saturday April 20th starting at 10pm, 2 x 288 fiber strands will be cut, cleaned, and spliced into TOC. Buildings connected via this fiber will experience a loss of network/internet connectivity until the fiber is spliced. We anticipate all connectivity will be restored around 6am. Buildings impacted by this maintenance include the following:
Blair House (not occupied)
Henry St Parking Deck East
Henry St Parking Deck East PCI
Henry St Parking Deck West
Henry St Parking Deck West PCI
ICA PCI ("D3")
CHOR Voice Failover (not hot)
AOP Voice Stack (to Snead-PE)
1200 W. Broad St. Richmond, VA 23284 (Wonder Tower, part of Children's Hospital at VCUH) Voice Stack
809 W Broad St
813 W Broad St
WGSN PCI PS-10-WGSN-1018-1.vcu.edu
WGSN PCI PS-10-WGSN-1005-1
West Grace Student North
College Station
922 W Grace PCI PS-10-922G-109-1.vcu.edu
Grace St Theater
938 W Grace St Math Exchange
38 W Grace St Math Exchange
938 W Grace St Math Exchange (Au Bon Pain)
TOC fiber splicing #2 has been completed.
On Thursday April 11th starting at 5pm, Fiber maintenance will occur to prepare for the move of our MARIA 100Gbs link from Pocahontas to the new data center at TOC. There are redundant paths to the internet, Internet 2, and other off campus resources, however a momentary delay while circuits switch to the redundant path is possible.
The fiber maintenance was successfully completed.
This maintenance is being postponed and will be rescheduled.
On Saturday April 13th starting at 10pm, 288 fiber strands will be cut, cleaned, and spliced into TOC. Buildings connected via this fiber will experience a loss of network/internet connectivity until the fiber is spliced. We anticipate 5 hours to bring these buildings back online. Once this connectivity has been restored, work will continue to splice the remaining dark fiber strands. Buildings impacted by this maintenance include the following:
Williams House
White House
Thurston House
Hunton House
Franklin Terrace
Harrison House
Bird House
Blanton House
Lafayette Hall
104 N Belvidere
Lindsey House
Rhodes Hall
Rhodes Hall PCI
West Grace Housing PCI
Brandt Hall PCI
Brandt Hall
West Grace Student Housing PO1
West Grace Student Housing PO1
Laurel St Carriage House
Laurel St Parking Deck
Laurel St Parking Deck PCI
W Grace South Student Housing
W Grace South Student Housing PCI
Pace Center
The fiber splicing was successfully completed.