VCU Wireless Network
Network services will be cutting fiber out of the Pocahontas building (UCC) on January 10th starting at 8pm. The following locations will lose connectivity to the VCU network during this maintenance:
1 Capitol Square
1 Capitol Square PCI
701 E. Franklin Street
The below locations will lose their backup voice links, however primary voice links will remain up and operational. No network or voice outage is expected:
Ambulatory Care Center
Critical Care Hospital
Massey Cancer Center
Main Hospital
North Hospital
Nelson Clinic
West Hospital
Sanger Hall
The POCA fiber maintenance has been postponed.
The POCA (UCC) Fiber maintenance has been rescheduled for Wednesday January 22nd starting at 8pm. In the event of inclement weather and this maintenance is postponed, the backup date will be Friday January 24th starting at 8pm
The POCA fiber maintenance was successfully completed.
Network Services will be cutting the remaining fiber out of the Pocahontas building (UCC). The following locations will not have VCU internet or phones during the maintenance.
1 Capitol Square
1 Capitol Square PCI
701 E. Franklin St.
These locations will lose their backup voice connections. Primary voice connections will still be in place so phones will not be impacted.
Ambulatory Care Center
Critical Care Hospital
Massey Cancer Center
Main Hospital
North Hospital
Nelson Clinic
West Hospital
Sanger Hall
Clinical Support Center
Network Services will be cutting fiber out of the Pocahontas building (UCC). Alternative fiber pathways have been established and no outages are expected during this fiber maintenance.
The Poca fiber maintenance from Jan. 3rd was successfully completed.
VCU Technology Services will be performing routine maintenance beginning on 11/23/2024 starting at 12:00 AM EST.
You may not be able to access Banner Production Admin Pages, eServices, and Faculty Grade Entry for a short period of time, but we’ll have things back up and running as soon as possible to minimize disruptions.
Please contact the IT Support Center with any questions or concerns at 804-828-2227 or
Scheduled maintenance for Banner Production is complete.
Please contact the IT Support Center with any questions or concerns at 804-828-2227 or
There are power outages around Monroe Park campus that have created network (internet) outages for the following buildings:
Academic Learning Commons
Cabell Library
Gitner House
West Carry parking deck
Power continues to create network (internet) issues. James W Black Music Center and Moseley House have also been impacted.
Dominion Power has been dispatched and there is no current ETA on the power restoration.
Power has been restored and all buildings are back up and operational.
We are currently experiencing a campus-wide internet outage. Our team has identified a resolution and is working on implementing it onsite. We will provide further updates as they become available.
The campus-wide outage is continuing. We are still working on implementing a solution. Some web pages and applications may be intermittently accessible to those off-campus.
Services are coming back online and our technicians are working to confirm the restoration of all services.
VCU's network and services have been restored.
We are investigating an issue with SAS servers which are impacting the VCU Reporting Center and SAS Enterprise Guide. We’re working to fix the problem as quickly as we can.
Please contact the IT Support Center with any questions or concerns at 804-828-2227 or
We're back! Access to the VCU Reporting Center has now been restored.
Thank you for your patience.
We are continuing to experience widespread internet connectivity issues impacting systems on both campuses. We are currently in escalated communication with our external vendor to determine the root cause and implement a fix.
Services are starting to come back online and work continues to restore all services.
On Friday September 13th starting at 8pm, Network Services will be migrating Layer 3 networks from POCA to TOC. Connectivity will be briefly disrupted during this maintenance. The following locations will be impacted by this change.
I-Lot Deck
5285 Shawnee Rd
3701 John Tyler Hwy
2235 Staples Mill Rd
1330 N. 26th St
3300 Gallows Rd
1314 W. Main St
100 W. Franklin St
1040 Oliver Hill Way (Steam Plant / PPD Admin Bldg / Facilities Warehouse)
Police Department
1 Capital Square - (only floors 2 through 9 and SafeNet wireless on floors 12 and 25. This does NOT impact the VCUH network)
14th Floor of 701 E. Franklin St. (This does NOT impact the VCUH network)
Maintenance is expected to be completed by Midnight.
L3 migrations from Poca to Toc were successfully completed.
Informational Notification:
The MARIA 100Gig Internet link will be down from 12:01 AM - 6:00 AM on July 24th. The vendor is replacing equipment at the central Ashburn site. VCU will be operating at full functionality via the secondary internet connection.
We’re back! The VCU network should be up and running. Thanks for bearing with us!
Please contact the IT Support Center with any questions or concerns at 804-828-2227 or